QUOTE(holographix @ 02/01/09, 04:06 PM) [snapback]300065[/snapback]
well let me rephrase that, I have been paying back technical debt for the past 14 months. Part of the reason I am much slower developping things now than I was two years ago was bc I am sick and tired of finding myself knee-deep in nonsense right when the deadline is closing in.
That is a pretty typical sign of having taken a huge technical debt so yes 1 year of fast develompent will cost you the next 2 yeasr or so in pain*. Small things add up, im not a purist because i would prefeer working thet way, im purist because i KNOW wht kind of pain the easy fixes here and there amount up to. Eventually it all needs to work without glitches. And whatever happens, whenever happens, no matter how good you are glitches come up.
See thinking ahead is the key, often thinking today what the problem you will have tomorrow is the difference between a successful operation and anot so successful one. So yes you can rig however you want, but if you dont do it smart you will end up doing much more work than you tough you would.
of finding myself knee-deep in nonsense right when the deadline is closing in.
Very common, doesn.t get better with better software. Just more experienced opeators. For example this topic:
The solution you asked about clear technical debt, its easy to implement works. But has certain very annoying drawbacks that WILL kill you when it comes to having to mop them up. So just because some approach works is not necceserily the way to do it, because it can backfire in major way.. And ist not like i dont underline it every week... but its easy to ignore becasu eit just works, except for when it doesn't.
Unfortunately one never learns until too late.
*Its far worse where I am working currently, as I didnt take the technical debt im there mopping up the bad job. Anyway the problem is you dont see it accumulating untill you spend more time fixing things than doing work.
PS: this experince will trasform you tough, you will be FAAR better next time. Because you can think ahead.