Hi All,
I've been using the Comet pose deformer with Zbrush derived displacement maps with no problems. Basically, I just used the displacement maps to add high frequency details to the mesh. So, the displacement simply ride along with the PSD as the mesh deforms.
My problem is that now I want to use the driven displacement technique that Eric Mueller teaches in the Hyper-real Facial Rigging DVD. In that setup he uses blendshapes weights to drive the blending of the displacement maps. I want to use a similar setup along with pose deformer, only I can't figure out how to set it up.
I know that the blendshape node's weight value is being multiplied by the displacement map. My problem is that the blendshape node uses a weight value range between 0-1; while poseDeformer has different weight values for each pose as the joints deform, and the weight values while in the 0-1 range do not add up to one.
My thought is that a plus-minus/average node might be used to sum the different pose reader weights; and then feed that into the shader network. Or to use a sampler info node to extract the correct weight value, assuming I can figure out where to make the connection.
So, basically I have to kick-ass workflows, but can't figure out how to get them to play nice together. I would really appreciate any advice you can give me on this. Hopefully Mike or one of the other TD gurus have an answer. I would really appreciate any advice you can give me on this.
Thank you for your time.