I am trying to apply UV projection map on a polygonal mesh in XSI but i kepp geting eighter planar, spherical or cylindrical. In the manuals it says i should be able to Any help would be appreciatedThanks
I'm not sure what exactly you mean, but I think you shoul try the texture editor. With this editor you can modify your simple textureprojection to fit even complicated polymodel by rearanging the uvcoordinates. maybe it's what you are looking for.
hope i could help
cu sanostol
I've got EXACTLY the same problem,,and finally I've got tutorial abot texture editor at www.edharriss.com ,,, and it's nice,,,just get the tutorial now,
hope this helps
The 'UV' type in the texturing drop down menu usually refers to nurbs type geometry which has it's own texture coordinates. So by choosing the uv type projection you use the geometrys own uv coordinates. Unfortunately this is not possibe for polygonal geometry since polygons can have 'any shape' in contrast to nurbs which in theory is made out of squares. Therefore you'll have to define your own UV's for polygons by using some of the other projection methods and tweaking afterwards in the texture editor.