Thanks for the offer, however
I found a work around... notes follow...
-Load sample dti brain
-lower index space
-export as .vtk
-import VTK
-Save and export as vrml2
Accutrans: (
-Import vrml2 from Paraview, "open with options" use DXF "options"
--Extrude (DXF)
--Close DXF poly line
--Join open DXF Pline, distance 0.001
-Export as collada .dae
Maya 2013:
Import using fbxDAE option
Optional... rebuild curves using curvature option and local option
break apart curveShapes from one bject usnig this script:
string $sel[] = ls -sl -dag -lf
for ($each in $sel)
string $group = group -em -n ($each + "\_transform")
parent -s $each $group;