I am new to this forum and I would like to introduce myself to you through my website at: http://www.creativemultimediadesignportfolio.com/
It is new and keeps developing day by day. The website is a partial correction of a portfolio of digital multimedia work, of Art and Industrial design expression, which also represents my ambitions for a career in the multimedia industry.
This portfolio is as well, a cornerstone behind years of learning and experience. Thank you for examining my portfolio.
However, you may require either Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox2007 to enjoy what see on my website. The reason for this is because most of the images in my website are saved in PNG format. Older Browsers reads all my transparent images as GIF, which is a bit of a nuisance because of the foggy musk that traps the picture. To download one of these browsers or both, please visit the links below:
http://www.firefox2007.com/ http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/...ie/default.mspx
But with Internet Explorer in particular back up your files before attempting to download the browser.
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Immense yourself and regards,