Nov 2007
1 / 4
Nov 2007
Sep 2008

I am a mathematician who is making a lot of graphics - some of it was built after being rendered from 1 ton of stainless steel. for photos and some 4d animations on the side

I need a word of advice...

My Maya 2008 for Mac is on the way. I would like to make a small game: all the geometry is ready. Let us say you wanted to make a Rubik's cube that the viewer could turn with the mouse. What software combinations are best for that (on the Mac)? Flash or OpenGL directly or maybe a Java applet?

Many thanks,


  • created

    Nov '07
  • last reply

    Sep '08
  • 3


  • 3.2k


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  • 5


28 days later

At my studio we use flash.

It's good for a broad user base (more people have flash player than java)
We always fake any 3D stuff with pre-rendered PNG sequences, which increase load times

A true 3D rubiks cube app in flash could work if you planned on using untextured, flat shading.
there's a few tutorials out there for doing 3D transfroms with actionscript.

but for textured current or last gen videogame quality stuff you'd better look elsewhere.

26 days later

Maybe VRML/X3D. no, seriously, stop rolling your eyes, everyone.

You could also use a Java applet, or much more easily, a Processing applet. Processing does OpenGL through Java and has an OBJ loader. If you want to, say, put that sculpture in there, you probably want environment mapping to get the reflectivity; OBJ has this, not sure if the Processing loader has it but if not it should be easy to extend.

Incidentally Processing also would be good for mathematically generating forms, 2D or 3D. Actually that's it's primary purpose.

Flash might be kind of hard for this kind of thing; no real 3D support, so you'd have to either use prerendered sequences or roll your own rudimentary 3D engine from scratch. which is just not really all that fun.

7 months later

Ive had a lot of luck with Jmonkey , Java3d and Java Webstart.

I've placed an example of a Java3d and Java Webstart application on my site.
Take look and tell me what you think.

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