Ok I see what you mean!
Well, subset of GI does not mean "a part of". It means that radiosity is not calculated the same way. So the answer to your question is.... NO! You can't render just radiosity in mental ray.
Here is a text taken for a mailing list (XSI or Render List on this site) where someone explained the difference between Global Illumination and Radiosity. I'm sure that it will be more helpful than me:
"Global illumination means that the radiance of a point depends not
only on the local charasterictics, such as BRDF and surface
normal, and the light sources, but possibly on the radiance of all
surface points that are visible from here. This interdependence is
expressed by the rendering equation. Looking from another point of
view, global illumination computation takes into account all light
paths including emission, single reflection, double reflection, triple,
etc, while local illumination models compute only the effect of
emission and single reflection. Ray tracing is somewhat in
between local illumination and global illumination. It computes
multiple reflections only for the ideal (mirror like) reflection and
ideal refraction.
So what is radiosity? Radiosity is a special case of global
illumination where all surfaces are assumed to have only diffuse
reflection, but, for instance, no specular (i.e. Phong or Blinn-like)
reflection. The reason of this restriction is that diffuse surfaces have
the same radiance in all directions, thus the radiance function will
depend only on the surface point. In general global illumination the
radiance also depends on the direction, which makes the
representation and the computation more complicated.
However, the diffuse assumption is often too restrictive.
There is often a confusion in the terminology. Radiosity is often
said instead of global illumination, because early global
illumination algorithms used this restriction. In order to emphasize
the difference, we can also talk about "non-diffuse global
Global illumination algorithms are usually classified as finite-
element methods and random walk methods. Finite-element
methods require the surfaces to be tessellated to small triangles,
but do not exhibit pixel noise. Radiosity algorithms usually fall into
this category. Random walk methods try to find discrete samples
of the light paths connecting the light sources to the eye via
reflections and refractions. These paths are generated randomly or
quasy randomly since random samples are dense.
Mentalray implements a special version of Monte-Carlo bi-
directional path tracing, called photon map, and is able to solve the
general, non-diffuse global illumination problem."
Hope this helps
Salutations - Cheers
Bernard Lebel