I'm having an issue with the glow property in XSI 2.02
I'm making a lightbulb. First, I know that transparent glass will block a glow, as glow is is a post effect. This is not my issue
I've hidden the glass AND moved it out of the way in my scene so it does not block the filament (my glow object).
I've made a bulb base with a fillament suspended above it. I've added a glow effect to the filament. The fillament is a circle extruded along a spiraling curve. It is a surface object. Now then, up close I've been able to get the glow to work brilliantly. However, as I move the camera back a bit, the glow dissapears, and the object(fillament) simply turns white. I've found that there is a magical distance where this effect happens, as I can move the camera closer and further away to see that the glow works at a close distance, but then after a point begins to act sporadically (ie, parts of the filament glow, others don't) and then finally not at all.
Now, I brought in a surface sphere to test my filament against. I added a glow property with the same settings (noise turned off on both accounts) and lo and behold it works no matter how far away the camera is. So, it seemed to me that the glow on the filament is having trouble due to a higher geometry count. Has anyone else had trouble with this, i.e. glows working sporadically as the camera moves away or with high count poly obects? I'm going to get some pictures online and post some screen shots in an hour or so...
Thanks for the help 