@@i would like to be able to see a preview of my setting without having to render in the scene......ESPECIALLY when using mental ray...
The whole purpose of shaderballs in SI3D was to see an "approximation" of your shader and how it would look relative to the rest of the scene. But the problem with shaderballs is that they did not properly take lighting and other scene wide effects into account (such as volume or output shaders). When you applied a texture or tweaked some parameters that relied on UV coords or the like, maybe your shaderball preview would look fine, but as soon as you did a render or preview, the result would be completely different.
With XSI, everything is in context, so therefore, you don't need shaderballs anymore because you're looking at the real thing. If you need to isolate a preview to a specific object to reduce rendertime, then select the object(s) and set the region to "Render selection only". This will render much faster and give you precise feedback. If you have other effects you don't want to see, then deactivate them in your render options, or, do what is becoming the new standard in rendering workflow - use passes.
@@and correct me if i am wrong....but didn't Soft have little preview spheres????
Shaderballs were in SI3D because mental ray supported them. But with mental ray v2.1 and later, mental ray no longer supports shaderballs which is probably a big reason why they're not in XSI. In order to get shaderballs in XSI, Softimage would have to write their own custom code to do it.
Hope this sheds light on the situation.
Matt Lind
Animator / Technical Director
Softimage certified instructor: